After a seven-year hiatus, the Battle of the West is set to return, reigniting a fierce and prestigious rivalry that has a rich history within the rugby league community. For the first time since 2017, this celebrated event will take...
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On Thursday, September 5th, the Parramatta Referees’ Association made a heartfelt visit to the residences of esteemed Life Member Ian McCall (LM #25) and his wife, Madeleine. The day also included a stop at the home of fellow Life Member...
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On Tuesday, September 3rd, Parramatta Referees hosted an exclusive media afternoon at the NSWRL Centre of Excellence, showcasing the top three referees in the district. The event featured the presence of Parramatta Referees Director of Refereeing & Development, Ethan Murray,...
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On Saturday, August 10th, a significant chapter was written in the Association’s history when Mathew Picone, alongside his sons Benjamin and Nicolas, officiated a match together at Mount Pritchard Sports Ground. This unique father-and-son officiating team marks a milestone not...
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In Round 14, 2024 of the Parramatta Junior League competition, Bernard Biala, more known as Bernie, will reach a significant milestone in his refereeing career by officiating his 1000th game. This achievement marks a career that has spanned over two...
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