Parramatta Referees Visit to Honour Grand Final Officials

Parramatta Referees Visit to Honour Grand Final Officials

On Thursday, September 5th, the Parramatta Referees’ Association made a heartfelt visit to the residences of esteemed Life Member Ian McCall (LM #25) and his wife, Madeleine. The day also included a stop at the home of fellow Life Member John Dennis (LM #42), creating a memorable occasion that blended history with future aspirations.

In attendance were key figures from the Association: Mathew Picone, Association President; Ethan Murray, Director of Refereeing & Development; Olivia Lawne, A1’s Referee & Assistant Executive Officer; Harrison Bayssari, A1’s Touch Judge & Executive Officer; and Bernard Biala, A1’s Touch Judge & Life Member #64. Their presence underscored the significance of the day's events.

The visit was thoughtfully organised by the Association Executive to present jerseys to the officials who will officiate the upcoming A Grade Division 1 Grand Final. This event marks a historic moment for the Parramatta Referees’ Association, as Olivia Lawne becomes the first female referee to take charge of the top-ranked game in the Association’s history. Recognising the profound impact Ian McCall has had on the organisation, the Association deemed it essential to celebrate this milestone in his presence.

Ian McCall’s legacy within the rugby league refereeing community is monumental. As a Life Member of both the Parramatta and the NSWRL Referees Association, he has served as the longest-standing president of both organisations. A former first-grade touch judge, Ian’s influence on rugby league refereeing is immeasurable. Although health issues have prevented him from attending games and events recently, the Association aimed to honour his contributions by allowing him to present the Grand Final jerseys at his residence. Ian was visibly moved by the occasion, shedding tears of joy and sharing laughter, proud to partake in this significant moment.

The afternoon commenced with Ian presenting the specially embroidered Grand Final jerseys to Bernard, Harrison, and Olivia. Following this, President Mathew Picone presented Ian with his very own Parramatta Referees 2024 jersey, a gesture of appreciation for his enduring legacy. A poignant photo opportunity followed, capturing the Grand Final team alongside Ian, a beautiful representation of the Association’s past and present united in a single moment.

In a special edition of Parra Refs TV, Mathew Picone and Ethan Murray interviewed Ian and Madeleine. Madeleine conveyed the family’s excitement upon receiving the news about the visit earlier in the week, stating, “When I had the phone call the other day from Harrison, I had to tell my daughters who are both overseas … they were so excited and said that’s the nicest thing that could’ve been done for Ian.” Ian’s emotions were palpable as he reflected on this momentous achievement. He eagerly shared stories from his officiating days, with Madeleine highlighting his time alongside Greg Hartley, filled with memorable and entertaining moments — some of which she jokingly noted were not suitable for sharing!

Madeline expressed her sincere thanks to the Association for thoughtfully organising the visit.

The emotional impact of the visit was profound, particularly when Madeleine acknowledged the lifelong friendships Ian has fostered throughout his refereeing career. As the presentation concluded, the McCalls expressed their hope that Parramatta would be the inaugural recipient of the NSWRLRA McCall Innovation Award, further solidifying Ian’s legacy.

Following their visit to the McCalls, the team proceeded to see Life Member John Dennis, who resides in the same complex. JD also presented the officials with their jerseys and regaled them with captivating stories from his own refereeing experiences, further enriching the day with his insights. He expressed heartfelt wishes to Olivia Lawne, whom he has coached since her early days, as she prepares for her pivotal role in the upcoming Grand Final.

The visit by the Parramatta Referees’ Association served as a poignant reminder of the rich history and future potential within the Association. It celebrated the accomplishments of its members while fostering a sense of unity and respect for those who have paved the way.

Watch the special edition of Parra Refs TV featuring the McCall’s & JD here